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Telenor doubles to 7 tons collected for recycling consumer electronic waste in 2019

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Telenor doubles to 7 tons collected for recycling consumer electronic waste in 2019

Telenor Bulgaria collected and handed over for recycling twice as much consumer electronics waste in 2019 compared to the previous year, data from the annual CSR Report for 2019 showed. A total of seven tons of electronic waste from mobile phones, accessories, computer peripherals, batteries and other devices was collected in 2019.

Telenor collected 1,945 kg mobile phones for recycling, 729 kg batteries, 640 kg batteries from mobile phones and 3,709 kg accessories and computer peripherals that are hazardous waste and will be recycled. The waste is collected by Telenor stores across the country, as well as the company's offices.

Telenor recorded an annual increase of 128% in the number of mobile devices sold under the “Buyback” service for the period from October 16 to December 31, 2019, compared to the same period a year earlier. The service is part of Telenor's efforts to promote responsible attitude towards nature and waste management. “Return and take” service customers can return their old devices and receive a discount voucher when buying products from Telenor. The company works with recycling partners to ensure that every single part of the old devices is used optimally to stay in use instead of being discarded.

„Telenor Bulgaria is committed to establishing a sector-leading approach to responsible consumption, to expand social responsibility programs and initiatives which draw measurable, clear impacts and build on our efforts to improve digital lives, keep people secure online, develop digital and media literacy, support the development of more inclusive digital technologies felt in business and people lives, and invest in future generations of technologies driving positive impact and change for the society and the environment”, said Jason King, Chief Executive Officer Telenor Bulgaria.

Telenor publishes its annual CSR Report since 2010, fulfilling its commitment to regularly report its progress in sustainable development. Telenor CSR Report 2019 includes information and data on our activities and achievements focused on employees, market, society and environment.

Telenor CSR Report 2019 can be found here.