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Telenor marks triple increase of the transactions on its e-shop

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Telenor marks triple increase of the transactions on its e-shop

Telenor records triple increase of the average daily transactions in its e-shop for the first week of April, compared to the first half of March.

In the second half of March, after the emergency state related to the spread of COVID-19 was declared, the total amount of transactions at telenor.bg was double, compared to the first half of the month, and the orders with a new subscription marked almost triple growth. The most popular product in the period were smartphones, and among the accessories, the most orders were for smart watches, smart bands and wireless headphones.

Big growth is seen in all digital channels of the telecom, with over 50% growth of the daily active users of the MyTelenor mobile app for the two weeks after the emergency state was put in force, compared to the two weeks before that. Telenor also recorded the same increase of the monthly bill payments through MyTelenor, while the app continues to be among the most popular apps, both in Google Play and Apple AppStore.

After the emergency state was put in force, Telenor started its campaign calling for everyone to „Остани си вкъщи“ part of which is a special portal on telenor.bg. Since the start of it, until the end of March, it was visited by more than 250 000 users and in the first days of the emergency state, Telenor’s website recorded doubled traffic, compared to usual.

Telenor takes various actions with which it aims to support its clients and provide them with opportunities to stay connected with their loved ones, to safely manage their businesses and to take care of themselves and their homes during isolation. Part of it is the new ”Stay Active and Positive” section including useful and free video content with home workouts, useful tips, recipes, etc. This section is developed in partnership with Efficiency First Media OOD.

The company reminds that the most popular and used services of the operator are available online and through the free app MyTelenor

Full information for the alternative self-servicing channels and the operators’ activities under the motto “Stay at Home” is available and constantly updated on www.telenor.bg/stay-at-home.