Telenor offers the internal corporate communication and processes management app Digital Office
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Press release
22 June 2020Telenor offers the internal corporate communication and processes management app Digital Office
Telenor complements its business services portfolio with the innovative mobile app Digital Office which provides companies with a solution for internal corporate communication and management and digitalization of internal processes.
The application has been developed by an internal design and technology team and has been used by the operator’s employees for four years. Currently the app is in the final stage of implementation for the first big corporate client. Digital Office has won the “HR Technology of the Year” award from b2b Media’s Employer Branding Awards 2020. The main purpose of the software is to support internal processes and facilitate employees, but to also save companies time and resources.
Digital Office has a variety of modules that can fulfill different function according to the needs of the specific business. The application can be also used for digitalization of different procedures, thus reducing the administrative burden and storage of paper copies of documents.
A main module is a digital directory which includes all of the company’s employees contacts. It includes their work phone numbers and emails, as well as information about the team they work in. The “Open Positions” module allows employees to apply for positions inside the company.
Сред основните предимства на приложението е и модулът за публикуване на вътрешни новини, който позволява споделянето на статии, видеа, документи, снимки и линкове сред всички служители. Чрез модул „Събития“ служителите могат да се регистрират за участие във вътрешни събития, като Digital Office запазва детайлите за това кога и къде трябва да бъдат.
Among the app’s main advantages is the module for publication of internal news which allows sharing of articles, videos, documents, photos and links among all employees. Through the “Events” module, the employees can register to participate in internal events, and Digital Office keeps the details for when and where they must be.
The app allows collection at one place and classification by categories of all offers and benefits available to the company’s employees, as well as tools for holding internal satisfaction surveys or polls on their opinion on different questions.
The mobile app is available for download on Android and iOS devices. Businesses that choose to use Digital Office for their needs will get a convenient content management interface and technical support from Telenor.
Telenor offers Digital Office to its business customers and companies that don’t have an active mobile services contract with the operator. The price of the app varies according to the number of employees who will use it. For more information every company can contact Telenor’s business sales representatives or go to .the operator’s website.