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Total Max from Telenor - unlimited plans for maximum experience in the best network

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Total Max from Telenor - unlimited plans for maximum experience in the best network

Telenor expands its subscription plans portfolio by adding to the existing Total+, the new unlimited plans Total Max. Total Max's unlimited plans vary with combinations of unlimited megabytes, unlimited national minutes for calls and SMS for the entire term of the contract.

Along with the unlimited communication opportunities that the new plans provide, the customers will also be able to enjoy a subscription for up to three (depending on the type of selected plan) digital services of choice and many other benefits, which complements the offer and makes it the leading one on the telecom market. Total Max plans also include megabytes of roaming within the European Union and the European Economic Area countries.

Total Max offers are valid for all new or renewed contract customers. They can renew or change their subscription plan completely digitally through the MyTelenor application in seconds, with just a few clicks, from anywhere and anytime. This eliminates the need to visit a store or annoyingly to wait for a courier and signing paper documents. This way, Telenor customers can manage their subscription plan, saving time and preserving the nature.

The Telenor network also contributes to the best customer experience with the new plans - in November 2020, for the third time in a row, the company was certified the Best in Test quality certificate of the network from the international company for measuring mobile networks umlaut.

More information on this and other Telenor offers is available on www.telenor.bg , dialing 123 and in stores.

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