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Drivey 2G device

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Drivey 2G device

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Drivey 2G device

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Activation of a new SIM card as a new customer.

iIn order to proceed you need to select one of the possible options
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2. Choose tariff plan:
Drivey 2G Car Tracker device
With subscription:
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Drivey 2G 9,99
10,99 BGN/month
5,62 евро/месец
24 months loyality time
In Bulgaria
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Drivey 2G Car Tracker device
3. Prices of Drivey 2G Car Tracker device
One-time payment
Per month
Drivey 2G 9,99with Activation of new SIM card as a new customer
Out of stock
Leasing options
One-time payment
Drivey 2G 9,99
Detailed summary

Купи това устройство и ползвай нашия пакет от услуги Смартфон Вселена.

Smart device for you and your car. Diagnostics, location and driving behavior – all in real time

You get device with SIM card and access to mobile application.

GPS location in real time

Monitor in real time the location of your vehicle on the map, be informed about the length of every trip, set traveling limits and analyze the tracking and positioning data before the next travel.

Driving behavior statistics

Get analysis of driving behavior such as accelerations, emergency stops, sharp turns, exceed of the speed limit and crashes. You have the option to set a maximum speed and get a notification by the application when it has been exceeded by the driver(s).

Car diagnostics

With Drivey is easier to monitor the engine temperature, voltage of the accumulator and fuel consumption. It will also facilitate the tracking of oil level by the setting a reminder.

PlanMonthly feeLease pricePrice in cashTotal per month
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Price in cash, without subscription