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Panzer Hard Clear Case iPhone 15 Pro

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Panzer Hard Clear Case iPhone 15 Pro

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Panzer Hard Clear Case iPhone 15 Pro

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Panzer Hard Clear Case / iPhone 15 Pro
Цена в брой
49,99BGN 25,56евро
One-time payment
49,99BGN 25,56евро
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One-time payment
49,99BGN 25,56евро
Detailed summary

Купи това устройство и ползвай нашия пакет от услуги Смартфон Вселена.

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Panzer Glass

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Калъф за телефон

Съвместим бранд и модел

iPhone 15 Pro





The lease of an accessory is provided under the following terms for additional leasing contract:

You can take Additional leasing during the contract, if you are a current private customer of Yettel and have a postpaid plan for mobile voice services
Only to a number for mobile voice service with limited ingoing and outgoing calls. The contract for this number should be concluded more than 30 days ago.
No change of the postpaid plan or extension of the contract period is required.
You can take only one smartphone or accessory upon the terms of additional leasing option.
If you want to activate a new additional leasing you have to pay the remaining lease installments upon your current additional lease contract.