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HBO Max is an online streaming service that lets you watch top rated movies and shows whenever it's convenient for you.

New and favorite titles - do not miss the premieres of popular series, blockbusters and children's content.
Available on your favorite smart device - use HBO GO with one registration on up to 5 devices, from smartphone to smart TV.
With Bulgarian translation - watch movies and series with Bulgarian subtitles, and the suggestions in the children section - with dubbing in Bulgarian.

The world is changing, and together with it - the way of access to content. It is now easier, faster and according to your personal taste. Subscribe to a subscription plan with included access for digital services and for the first 12 months of your contract, you will be able to use the service at no extra charge, then at a preferential price.

1. Go to Yettel app.

Go To Yettel app

2. Activate HBO GO in position or as an add-on

3. Make a registration on www.hbogo.bg, choose the option for registration via operator and enter the code you received in Yettel app.

4. Download the HBO GO app and log in with your user name and password

The premieres in July 2021

The White Lotus I
The Good Fight V
100 Foot Wave I

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100 Foot Wave I - now on

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Месечна програма

Професия: Стриптийзьор 3

HBO MAX: 02 юни

2022| комедийна драма | САЩ | 15+

С участието на: Чанинг Тейтъм, Салма Хайек
Режисьор: Стивън Содърбърг

Майк Лейн се завръща на сцената след провалено бизнес начинание, заради което работи като барман във Флорида. Той се надява, че новият му ангажимент ще бъде и последният. Майк се отправя към Лондон с богата и популярна жена, която ще му направи предложение, на което не може да откаже.


HBO MAX: 9 юни

2022 | драма | Полша | 16+

С участието на: Сандра Дрималска, Лоренцо Зурзоло, Матеуш Кошукевич, Изабел Юпер
Режисьор: Йежи Сколимовски

ИO е магаре, което работи в полски цирк. Той участва в представление с Касандра, която го обича и защитава. Когато активисти за правата на животните помагат за закриването на цирка, ИО е отнет и е отведен да работи в конюшня.

Изгубеният крал

HBO MAX: 16 юни

2022 | драма | 16+

С участието на: Хари Лойд, Сали Хоукинс, Стив Куган, Джеймс Флийт, Шиниъд Макинес , Джон-Пол Хърли
Режисьор: Йежи Сколимовски

През 2012 г., след като са се смятали за изгубени в продължение на над 500 години, останките на крал Ричард III биват открити под паркинг в Лестър. Зад този успех стои Филипа Лангли – историк любител, чиито проучвания са посрещани с неразбиране от приятели и роднини, и с отровен скептицизъм от експерти и академици.


HBO Max: 3 юни

2022 | екшън, адаптация| САЩ | 16+

С участието на:Закари Леви, Ашър Ейнджъл, Джак Дилън Грейзър, Рейчъл Зиглър
Режисьор: Дейвид Ф. Сандбърг

Филмът „Шазам! Яростта на боговете” продължава историята на тийнейджъра Били Батсън, който се трансформира в своята порасналата версия, второто му аз - супергероя Шазам.


HBO Max: 17 юни

2012 | уестърн, драма | САЩ | 16+

С участието на: Джейми Фокс, Кристоф Валц, Леонардо ДиКаприо
Режисьор: Даниел Еспиноза

Действието на филма се развива в американския Юг две години преди Гражданската война Джанго (Джейми Фокс) е мускулест роб, когото съдбата среща с немския ловец на глави д-р Кинг Шулц (Кристоф Валц). Шулц е по следите на неуловимите братя Бритъл и само Джанго може да го отведе до тях.


HBO Max | 24 юни

2022 | драма, биографичен | САЩ | 15+

С участието на: Остин Бътлър, Том Ханкс, Оливия Деджонг
Режисьор: Баз Лурман

Драмата, с участието на Остин Бътлър и носителя на „Оскар“ Том Ханкс, разглежда живота и творчеството на Краля на рока през призмата на сложните взаимоотношения между Елвис (Бътлър) и енигматичния му мениджър полковник Том Паркър (Ханкс).

Activate HBO GO as an additional package


1 month


Through the

5,99 BGN

Activate HBO GO
as an additional package


1 month


Through the app

5,99 BGN

Watch your favorite movies and shows whenever it's convenient for you.
Download the app from here.

Activate HBO GO in position

If your plan includes a access to positions for digital access to digital services, you can activate HBO GO in position as follows:

Open the YettelApp and go to the Services tab. There you will see a list of all available digital services, and how many and which of them you can add to your available position for access to digital services included in your subscription plan at no extra charge for the first 12 months. Select "HBO GO as a position in your plan" and click the Activate button.

Additional package for access to HBO GO

If your plan does not include a position for access to digital service or you do not have a free position, or if you want to activate another service in it, HBO GO is also available as an additional package that you can buy to your plan.

The additional package is activated as follows:

Open the YettelApp and go to the Services tab. There you will see a list of all accessible digital services. Select the option "HBO GO as an extra package", get acquainted with the package terms and conditions and click on the Activate button.

Once you have clicked on the Activate button, you will see code in the application. This code must be used when registering in the service itself.

You must now go to www.hbogo.bg, to register. If you have an existing HBO GO account, keep in mind that you must cancel the subscription you pay for it before you start accessing the service via Yettel and you should also make a new registration. There you have to use the option to register via an operator and enter the code you got in the YettelApp. When creating the profile, you should check the general terms of the app provider and accept them.

Subscription plans with included access to HBO GO

If access to the HBO GO service is included in your plan, you can activate the service as follows:

Open the YettelApp and go to the Services tab. There you will see a list of all accessible digital services. Find HBO GO, select it and click the Activate button.

Additional package for access to HBO GO

If you are on a subscription plan with included or added MBs, but access to HBO GO is not included in your plan, you can activate the HBO GO service as an extra package as follows:

Open the YettelApp and go to the Services tab. There you will see a list of all accessible digital services. Find "HBO GO as an add-on" package, get acquainted with the package conditions and click on the Activate button.

Once you have clicked on the Activate button, you will see code in the application. This code must be used when registering in the service itself.

You must now go to www.hbogo.bg to register. If you have an existing HBO GO account, keep in mind that you must cancel the subscription you pay for it before you start accessing the service via Yettel and you should also make a new registration. There you have to use the option to register via an operator and enter the code you got in the YettelApp. When creating the profile, you should check the general terms of the app provider and accept them.

HBO GO is an online video streaming service that is provided by a third party HBO Bulgaria EOOD. In this regard, Yettel is not responsible for the availability of the website or application through which the service or content is provided.

The user has no right to distribute the service and its content to third parties, including for any commercial or public purposes, as well as commercial or public places.

General information

Select one of our Total + plans that offer the opportunity to use the service by activating it as a service in your tariff plan. If your plan does not include a digital services access position, you can activate the service as an additional package.

With one subscription, you can install HBO GO on up to 5 different devices, and you can watch 2 of them simultaneously. There is no additional charge for using the service on different devices.

No, you can download it for free.

If access to HBO GO is included in your plan, you can activate the service as follows:
Open the MyTelenor app and go to the Services tab. There you will see a list of all available digital services. Find HBO GO, select it and click the Activate button.

If you are on a tariff plan with MB included or added but without digital access positions, you can activate HBO GO as an additional package as follows:
Open the MyTelenor app and go to the Services tab. There you will see a list of all available digital services. Select the "HBO GO as Extra Pack" option, familiarize yourself with the package terms and click the Activate button.

From the date of signing of the Total + tariff Plan contract with a digital access service position included.

You can download the HBO GO app from the Google Play Store or the iOS App Store.

Subscription and payment

Yes, you can stop renewal of the add-on package at any time through the MyTelenor application or remove the service from a position.

If you activate the service in a position, you can use it at no extra charge during the first 12 months of the contract. During the second 12 months of the contract you use it at a preferential price of 4.99 BGN / month.

If your plan includes access to digital service positions, you can activate the service in a free service, and if you do not have a vacancy or want to activate another service in it, you can activate it as an additional package. If a service is activated in a position, you use it at no extra charge for the first 12 months of your contract. If you decide to activate it as an additional package and have never used it before (in position or as an additional package), your first month will be free of charge so that you can decide whether you like the service.

Stop the subscription you pay for HBO GO, sign a new contract with Yettel for any of the Total+ plans, which includes digital access service positions, or activate it as an additional package through the MyTelenor application. Then follow the steps in the Get HBO GO tab.

If the service is activated as an add-on package, termination of access will take effect upon expiration of the current period for using the package for which it is paid. For example, if you paid for access to the service by June 20, and you stopped renewing the additional package on June 5, you will continue to have access to the content of the service until June 20.

If the service is activated in a position, deactivating it in a position terminates access to it immediately. Deactivating a service in a position before a month has passed since its activation will lead to the locking of the position and it will be marked as an "inaccessible position" by the expiration of this period.

The content of the service is available on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria as well as within the EU for users temporarily traveling outside Bulgaria.
Due to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the Regulation of the cross-border transfer of online content services will no longer be in force in the country. The subscribers that have registered for the HBO GO service in Bulgaria will have limited access to the service in the UK. When you try to play content on your device, a message will appear on the screen stating that due to the imposed changes, the service is no longer available.

If you haven’t activated access to the service in a position within the first 12 months of your contract, you can activate it in a position also in the second 12 months for an additional monthly payment at a preferential price of 4.99 BGN/month.

If the service was activated in a position and you have not deactivated it before the start of the second 12 months of your contract, you will be charged extra monthly for a preferential price, whether or not you have used the service.

Technical information

No. The service is for personal use and only the person with Yettel access should have access to this information.

Yes, you can use HBO GO on your TV via Chromecast or Airplay, or if your TV is smart, download the HBO GO app and sign in with an email and password. Log in to your account through the mobile app or web version and on the Devices menu you will see the code you need to enter on your TV. See more in Compatible Devices and Technical Requirements.

If you have forgotten your password, go to hbogo.bg, click the Enter -> Login through Operator button and select the forgot password option.

Yes, you can. You should go to hbogo.bg and click on your username at the top right. Change the email address in the box to the new one you want to use and click the Save button.


Operating System

Android Phones, Android Tablets (Android OS version 8 (Oreo) or later).

HBO GO does not support devices that have been subjected to an unauthorized software use.


Operating System

iPhone, iPad и iPod Touch running OS 13 or later

Operation Systems subjected to an unauthorized software use are not supported.

Windows Phone

Operating System

Since 12 February 2016 HBO GO is not supported on a Windows phone.


Windows 7 with SP2 and newer versions

Smart TVs

Samsung – 2016 or newer versions of Tizen (Samsung Orsay is not supported)
LG - WebOS 3.5 or newer.
Android TV.


Apple TV 4
Play Station 4/5

*From 14 January 2020г. the support for the HBO GO application for LG smart TVs with operating system Netcast will stop. For these models the application will not function.