iPhone 16 Pro Max 1TB
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iPhone 16 Pro Max 1TB
iPhone 16 Pro Max 1TB
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Купи това устройство и ползвай нашия пакет от услуги Смартфон Вселена.
iPhone 16 Pro е с Grade 5 титаниев корпус с ново, подобрено, микробластирано покритие. Сравнен с други метали, титанът е с едно от най-добрите съотношения на здравина към тегло, което прави тези модели невероятно надеждни и впечатляващо леки. iPhone 16 Pro идва в четири поразителни цвята — включително новия пустинен титан.
iPhone 16 Pro е устойчив на пръски, вода и прах.2 И забележително издръжлив, благодарение на последното поколение Ceramic Shield.
Нова дисплей технология позволява, без изкривяване, да маршрутизираме данни под активните пиксели — това е причината за по-тънките рамки и по-големите Super Retina XDR дисплеи от 6,3 и 6,9-инча, които чудесно пасват в ръката.
С подобренията на вътрешния дизайн, включително топлинна субструктура от 100 процента рециклиран алуминий и задно стъкло, оптимизирано за по-добра разсейка на топлината, достигаме до 20 процента по-добра продуктивност от iPhone 15 Pro. За да правиш любимите си неща — тежък графично гейминг, например — по-дълго.
Прецизен контрол. Camera Control е символ за иновации. На повърхността, сапфирен кристал с гладка текстура е рамкиран с фина облицовка от неръждаема стомана в същия цвят. Вътре - суперпрецизен сензор за сила с тактилна обратна връзка емулира усещането на затвора на DSLR камера. А нов сензор за докосване — първият по рода си за Apple — разпознава прецизни интеракции като кликване или плъзгане.
Сега можеш да снимаш перфектната снимка или видео за рекордно кратко време. С Camera Control по-лесно и бързо стигаш до инструментите на камерата. Просто плъзни пръст, за да настроиш функции като експонация и бленда, да прехвърлиш различните обективи или дигиталния зуум — за да кадрираш точно както ти харесва.
По-късно тази година, Camera Control ще предостави двустепенен затвор, който позволява автоматично заключване на фокуса и експонацията с леко натискане — за да прекадрираш, без да губиш фокус върху обекта. Виж как да използваш Camera Control.
С новия 16-ядрен Neural Engine машинното обучение on-device е още по-бързо и ефективно.
С новия 16-ядрен Neural Engine машинното обучение on-device е още по-бързо и ефективно.
А подобрената графика се осигурява от нов 6-ядрен GPU.
Новият 6-ядрен CPU обслужва тежки натоварвания по-бързо и с по-малко енергия.
17% по-висока скорост на системната памет — най-бързата в iPhone досега — за впечатляваща продуктивност.
iOS 18
6.9" Super Retina XDR OLED
1320 x 2868 pixels, 19.5:9
Ceramic Shield glass (2024 gen)
48MP + 12MP
12 MP
Face ID, акселерометър, жироскоп, близост, компас, барометър, Ultra Wideband (UWB) поддръжка (gen2 чип), Спешни SOS, Съобщения и Find My чрез сателит
163 x 77.6 x 8.3 мм
227 гр
Да (1 x Nano-SIM + 1 x еSim)
Apple A18 (3 nm)
iPhone 16 Pro Max 1TB, USB-C кабел за зареждане (1 м), Документация
Смартфон протект | Смартфон протект + | |
Месечна премия | 25,99 | 27,99 |
Самоучастие, в случай на ремонт | 160,00 | 160,00 |
Самоучастие, в случай на подмяна | 260,00 | 260,00 |
Plan | Monthly fee | Lease price | Price in cash | Total per month | ||
35,99 BGN/month | 154,99 BGN/month | 3 359,99 BGN in cash | 190,98 BGN/month | |||
45,99 BGN/month | 150,59 BGN/month | 3 269,99 BGN in cash | 196,58 BGN/month | |||
55,99 BGN/month | 150,59 BGN/month | 3 269,99 BGN in cash | 206,58 BGN/month | |||
75,99 BGN/month | 148,59 BGN/month | 3 219,99 BGN in cash | 224,58 BGN/month | |||
View more | ||||||
- | 176,59 BGN/month | - |
No matter how smart and wonderful our smartphones, tablets and smart accessories are, they happen to break in some negligent and even fatal situations or else be stolen. The truth is that such things happen, much more often than we would want to. And for the utmost regret, when something like this happens, there is no turning back.
Fortunately, however, now there is Smartphone protect, or in other words insurance for your new device that you can take from Yettel - so you can feel more comfortable and won't be sorry when your phone senses the gravity or gets in foreign hands against your will.
•Accidental damage (e.g. breakage of the screen or wetting)
•Intentional malicious damage caused by someone else
•Accidental damage (e.g. breakage of the screen or wetting)
•Intentional malicious damage caused by someone else
•Theft, be it - a robbery, burglary or pickpocketing.
The first monthly premium is free of charge.
This means that the first full monthly insurance period of 1 month is free of charge and no monthly premium is due for it.
Up to 2 approved claims (damages) within every 12 months while the policy is in force
Maximum facilitated filing claims for damage by phone, at number 123 (089 123).
In case of replacement, the Insurer provides a device with the same brand and model or device with the most similar characteristics possible
Repair in Yettel service center with the provision of a device for temporary use, in a short time and always using original replacement parts.
Repair or replacement of the device.
No monetary compensation is provided under the insurance.
Coverage worldwide
The coverage comes in force immediately after the insurance is concluded.
Monthly insurance periods with a termless insurance contract.
•Upon purchasing a new smart device from Yettel, whether it is paid in cash or on leasing.
•For customers using a mobile services subscription plan by Yettel.
•At the time of purchase when paying the price in cash/ on leasing or up to 7 days afterward.
•On spot in a Yettel store.
•An insurance contract is signed.
•МThe monthly premium depends on the standard price of the device without any subscription for services by Yettel and the selected insurance product.
•The monthly premium is included in the monthly invoice by Yettel for telecommunication services and the same terms and payment deadlines apply to the premium as well.
•In case of an approved claim for damage, a self-participation is paid upon receiving the repaired or replaced device.
•The amount of self-participation also depends on the standard price of the device without any subscription for services by Yettel and is known at the time of conclusion of the insurance contract.
Chubb European Group SE is a European insurance company (SE), existing and operating under the provisions of the French Insurance Code, entered in the Registry of Commerce and Companies in Nanterre with the registration number 450 327 374 and with a registered office in the Republic of France, La Tour Carpe Diem, Place de Corolles 31, Esplanade Nord, Courbevoie 92400. Chubb European Group SE is a leading European insurer in the field of device insurance. They have more than 15 years of experience in device protection programs and work with a number of European mobile operators. Chubb European Group SE is performing its insurance business on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria on the basis of the freedom to provide services through its Hungarian branch - Chubb European Group SE Magyarországi Fióktelepe.
Smartphone protect is offered through "Yettel Bulgaria" EAD as an Insurance Agent of Chubb European Group SE, as well as through commercial partners of Yettel in their capacity as intermediaries offering insurance products as an additional activity.
More information about the Insurer and its Privacy Policy is available at: www.chubb.com and https://www.chubb.com/hu-hu/personal/handset-telenor-bulgaria.aspx
•Within 48 hours from finding out about the Theft, you must notify the police and take an official document which describes which device is the object of the theft. This document is to be submitted to the Insurer.
•Notify Yettel via the Customer Service Department at 123 (089 123) so we can restrict outgoing calls from the SIM card and you can file your claim to the Insurer.
•Once your claim has been approved, visit a convenient for you Yettel store to sign the necessary documents and get your new device. The Insurer will provide you with a new device with the same brand and model or device with the most similar characteristics possible
More information about Smartphone protect insurance
The stated leasing prices are per month and are valid for private customers, new and current Yettel subscribers, upon signing of new contracts for a period of 12 or 24 months:
•leasing contract and
•subscription contract (for a new SIM card, or a continuation of an existing one in the last 2 months of its term or upon its expiration), according to the respective Yettel subscription plan specified in the "Product prices" section and the term of the contracts.
The specified monthly leasing installments do not include a monthly subscription for the respective subscription plan.
The possibility to provide a device on leasing to new and existing customers may be limited, depending on the risk assessment.
The stated prices of mobile phones in cash with subscription plan by Yettel are valid for private customers, new and existing, when:
signing a new contract (for a new SIM card, or a continuation of an existing one in the last 2 months of its term or upon its expiration) for a period of 12 or 24 months, according to the respective Yettel subscription plan specified in the "Product prices" section and the term of the contracts; and purchasing a mobile phone and paying it in cash
The possibility of acquiring ownership of the equipment provided for use is related to the signing of a contract for the purchase of the device with Yettel at least 10 days before the expiry of the leasing contract and upon payment of all due monetary obligations.
The stated prices of mobile phones without a subscription are valid when you purchase a mobile phone without signing a contract for mobile services and paying the price of the device in cash upon purchase.
In the case of a discrepancy between the price specified in the section "Product prices" and the price quoted in a store from the commercial network of Yettel, , the price quoted in the store will have an advantage. This rule does not apply to products purchased through “Buy Online“.
The offers are valid until the quantities are exhausted.
The device has a warranty of 3 years, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.
All prices quoted are in BGN with VAT included.