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HUAWEI Watch Fit 3 Leather

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HUAWEI Watch Fit 3 Leather

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HUAWEI Watch Fit 3 Leather

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Корпусът от алуминиева сплав и гладката метална катарама не могат да останат незабелязани.
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Leasing options
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In installments
HUAWEI Watch Fit 3 Leather Pearl White
Цена в брой
279,99BGN269,99BGN 143,16евро
One-time payment
279,99BGN269,99BGN 143,16евро
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One-time payment
279,99BGN269,99BGN 143,16евро
Detailed summary

Физически данни и характеристики

Материал на безела

Алуминиева сплав

Материал на корпуса

Алуминиева сплав

Материал на каишката




43.2 x 36.3 x 9.9 мм


26 гр. (без каишката)


Живот на батерията

До 10 дни живот на батерията при типични сценарии на употреба

Съдържание на кутията

HUAWEI Watch Fit 3 Leather, подложка за зареждане (включително кабела за зареждане), ръководство за бърз старт, информация за безопасност и гаранционна карта


Bluetooth разговори, GPS, GNSS, Акселерометър, Жироскоп, Компас, Оптичен сензор за пулс, Сензор за околна светлина, Барометър, Сензор за дълбочина и други


Разширено проследяване на здравето и тренировките, Мониторинг на стреса, Универсален анализ на сърдечната честота, SpO₂, съня и др.

The stated leasing prices are per month and are valid for private customers, new and current Yettel subscribers, upon signing of new contracts for a period of 12 or 24 months:
leasing contract and
subscription contract (for a new SIM card, or a continuation of an existing one in the last 2 months of its term or upon its expiration), according to the respective Yettel subscription plan specified in the "Product prices" section and the term of the contracts.

The specified monthly leasing installments do not include a monthly subscription for the respective subscription plan.

The possibility to provide a device on leasing to new and existing customers may be limited, depending on the risk assessment.

The stated prices of mobile phones in cash with subscription plan by Yettel are valid for private customers, new and existing, when:

signing a new contract (for a new SIM card, or a continuation of an existing one in the last 2 months of its term or upon its expiration) for a period of 12 or 24 months, according to the respective Yettel subscription plan specified in the "Product prices" section and the term of the contracts; and purchasing a mobile phone and paying it in cash

The possibility of acquiring ownership of the equipment provided for use is related to the signing of a contract for the purchase of the device with Yettel at least 10 days before the expiry of the leasing contract and upon payment of all due monetary obligations.

The stated prices of mobile phones without a subscription are valid when you purchase a mobile phone without signing a contract for mobile services and paying the price of the device in cash upon purchase.

In the case of a discrepancy between the price specified in the section "Product prices" and the price quoted in a store from the commercial network of Yettel, , the price quoted in the store will have an advantage. This rule does not apply to products purchased through “Buy Online“.

The offers are valid until the quantities are exhausted.

The device has a warranty of 3 years, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.
All prices quoted are in BGN with VAT included.