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Telenor adds new apps and platforms to its Total+ traffic passes

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Telenor adds new apps and platforms to its Total+ traffic passes

Yettel adds new apps and platforms to the traffic passes available for subscribers of the Total+ plans, as well as a new digital service which can be added to a slot for digital services subscription or as an extra package to the plan.

The Chat traffic pass now includes the chat platform for gamers Discord and the business-focused communication and sharing platforms CiscoWebex and Zoom. The Social Media pass is now called Social Media and News and includes traffic to the email platforms abv.bg and mail.bg, as well as the websites Dnevnik.bg, Capital.bg and Investor.bg. Now part of the Video traffic pass are also the Vbox7 and Nova Play platforms. All currently included services in the traffic passes are unchanged and the clients who already have activated traffic passes don’t have to do anything additional to use data traffic to the new services in the passes.

The traffic passes that are provided with specific Yettel plans include 10 000MB mobile data for access to specific sites or use of the corresponding apps every month.

Yettel also offers subscription for a new digital service – access to the online content of the politics, business and economics publication “Kapital” through both website and mobile app. The service can be activated through a position for digital service in Total+ or as an extra package at a price of BGN 11.99 per month. Every new user of the service can test it for free for one month. Yettel business clients can subscribe to the Kapital PRO package, including extra business reports and financial results, at a price of BGN 28.99 per month.

Subscribers of Total+ plans with traffic bundles and service slots must choose and activate the respective services via the latest version of the Yettel mobile app.

More information on this and other Yettel offers is available at the official website www.yettel.bg, via a call to a short number and at any operator shop.