Prepaid plans for computers and tablets
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15 GB mobile internet in Bulgaria with access to 4G/LTE.
30 days validity for the initially included data upon activation
25 GB за мобилен интернет в България с достъп до 4G/LTE мрежата за пренос на данни в България.
25 дни валидност на първоначално включените в пакета данни при активиране .
Up to 200 minutesin Yettel mobile network, up to 100 minutes to all national networks in Bulgaria and roaming in EU zone and up to 6000 MB mobile internet in Bulgaria and roaming in EU zone upon top up done to 30.04.2021.
Up to 200 minutesin Yettel mobile network, up to 100 minutes to all national networks in Bulgaria and roaming in EU zone and up to 6000 MB mobile internet in Bulgaria and roaming in EU zone upon top up done to 30.04.2021
15 GB mobile internet in Bulgaria with access to 4G/LTE.
30 days validity for the initially included data upon activation
Цените са без ДДС в лв.