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Standard prepaid plan

Standard prices for minutes, SMS, MMS and mobile internet with Standard prepaid plan
Minutes to all national networks 0,45 BGN/min.
Minutes to 5 numbers in the For Friends group 0,29 BGN/min.
SMS to national networks 0,29 BGN/min.
MMS in Yettel network 0,69 BGN/min.
Mobile internet in Bulgaria 2,40 BGN/min.

All other services are charged according to the current Yettel pricelist for prepaid services and add-ons.

Charging of national voice calls is performed in intervals of 60 seconds, as each commenced 60 seconds interval is accounted and charged as an entire minute.

Charging of mobile internet within the country is rounded up to 1 КВ, with initial charging 100 KB (1 GB = 1024 MB; 1 MB = 1024 KB).

Change over to standard prepaid plan of Yettel

If you are not using the standard prepaid plan of Yettel you can switch to it by:

Sending a free SMS with text “standart“ to number 125;
Purchasing one of the prepaid add-ons;
Contact our Customer Care Department by dialing 123 (0,15 lv per minute after reaching Customer Care Representative) and request change of the plan;

With the purchase of any prepaid add-on, you will change to the standard prepaid plan of Yettel during the purchase itself, as you will be asked for conformation of the package activation and the change of the plan.

Once you change over to the standard prepaid plan of Yettel you won’t be paying taxes and respectively use minutes when you top up the credit of your prepaid card.

Upon change to the standard prepaid plan of Yettel the Extra number is not saved, in case such one is available, and the currently available minutes to that number are not transferred. Minutes or other special conditions (special price) upon top-up are suspended, respectively no additional charge is applied for them, and they are valid under the conditions of the standard prepaid plan of Yettel. All available minutes and purchased add-on are saved and can be used until their validity expire.

In short, it’s good to know:
Activated add-ons, which you have purchased before changing over to the standard prepaid plan of Yettel are transferred and can be used until they are depleted or their validity expires;
Once you change over to the standard prepaid plan of Yettel you won’t be able to switch to other prepaid plans;
The selected numbers in the For friends group are kept the same when you change over to the standard prepaid plan of Yettel.

How to top up my prepaid card?

How to add numbers in the For friends group?

What are the validity periods of the prepaid card and the credit?

How to extend the validity period of the prepaid card and the credit?


You can buy and combine various add-ons to your standard prepaid plan, selecting them to fit best your communication needs.

Create your perfect prepaid plan viaМу Menu by dialing *123# or with Yettel app for additional add-ons to your prepaid plan!

You can purchase add-ons with Yettel minutes, minutes to your For Friends group, national minutes, combined add-ons with minutes to Yettel, SMS and mobile internet.

SIM card / credit validity

Validity of the SIM Card and credit upon top-up, in case you use one of the following prepaid plans:

Standard prepaid plan of Yettel
Prepaid plan Friends
Prepaid plan Yettel


Validity period upon activationSIM cardCredit
365 days60 days
Extension of the validity period of the credit, respectively the card, in case the current one is less than the validity period of the new top upTop up credit (amount of recharge) from 6.00 BGN to 9.99 BGNTop up credit (amount of recharge) of 10.00 BGN or more
SIM CardCreditSIM CardCredit
365 days60 days395 days90 days

Upon top up of a prepaid card with a plan, different from the ones mentioned above, the validity period of the credit(card) is prolonged with 60 or 90 days (depending on top-up amount − from 6.00 BGN to 9.99 BGN, or 10.00 BGN and more*), in case the current validity period of the credit (card) is shorter than the validity period of the new top up.

The credit validity of 60 or 90 days starts at the time, the recharge has been completed and a confirmation message has been received. The credit expiry time and date will be shown in the confirmation message.

* Top-ups with total amount of 10 BGN or more, which are made within 30 days, will be also considered as top-up of 10.00 BGN or more.

In all cases when the current validity period of the top up card (and/or the credit) is longer than the validity period of the new top up credit (card), the current validity period of the card (or respectively the credit) will not be changed.

If no new top-up is made during the validity period, the amount will be lost.

If the validity period of the SIM card is not prolonged, the SIM card will be automatically deactivated after its expiration and the mobile number will be lost. In that case both the available credit and the unutilized consumption will be lost.


After each top-up, you will receive a notification SMS for the new validity period of the credit.When you check the validity of the credit via My Menu or through the Automatic information service by dialing 123 (0.15 BGN per call), you will receive information about its validity. You can receive information about the validity period of the card by calling the Automatic information service at 123 (0.15 BGN per call) and selecting the option “Get in touch with a representative of the Customer Service Center (0.15 BGN/ min.).