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Open Mind program for people with disabilities
Five new employees will start working in Telenor as part of the Open Mind program for people with disabilities. The news was announced today by Telenor Chief Executive Officer Mr. Michael Foley. The opening event was also attended by Telenor Chief Human Resources Officer Mr. Brad Byblow and the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy Mrs. Denitsa Sacheva who was a special guest (TBC). ‘For us at Telenor, Open Mind is about equal opportunities, not about image or savings. We use no tax benefits and we have no financial incentive to do this program. We do it because we believe it
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Today, Telenor Group reported third quarter and first nine months of 2016 financial results. Financial results of Telenor Bulgaria: (In BGN mln.) 3rd quarter 9 Months Full Year 2016 2015 2016 2015 2015 Приходи Subscription and traffic revenues 123 121 359 357 476 Interconnect revenues 16 11 42 31 43 Other mobile revenues 4 3 7 6 8 Non-mobile revenues 28 30 80 78 116 Total revenues 172 165 488 473 642 EBITDA before other items) 68 67 189 186 248 Operating profit 38 29 97 96 134 EBITDA before other items / Total revenues (%) 39.5% 40.7% 38.6% 39.3% 38.6% Capex 10 18 35 64 115 No. of
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Telenor is the first operator to offer the new Lenovo – Moto Z and Moto Z Play smartphones in Bulgaria. A notable feature of the devices is the magnetic technology which allows users to customize their phone according to their personal style or interests. The specially designed Moto Mods accessories can be snapped magnetically onto the back of the smartphones completely changing their appearance and functionality. Among the available accessories is HASSELBALD True Zoom which adds up to 10x optical zoom as well as Incipio offGRID Power Pack which increases the battery life with up to 22 hours
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The Bulgarian representatives to the international initiative Telenor Youth Forum 2016 are Ani Koleva and Boyan Petrov. They won Telenor Bulgaria’s annual contest on the “Digitalization for Peace” topic. The competition was held in two stages and participants were asked to present their ideas for positive changes in the social, economic or environmental spheres. In the second stage, four finalists were invited to defend their candidacy through a video interview. A jury of Telenor Bulgaria, Junior Achievement and WWF representatives chose the winners. Ani Koleva and Boyan
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Telenor Bulgaria won the 2016 Faster Mobile Network in Bulgaria Award by the global leader in internet testing and web-based network diagnostic applications Ookla, the operator’s Chief Executive Office Mr. Michael Foley told a news conference, held today. Telenor won the award based on the results of more than 350,000 user tests, conducted with over 65,000 devices at more than 600 locations across Bulgaria in the first six months of the year. „ These tests were all initiated and done by real users in locations and times of their choice and were not solicited or assisted in any way
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Telenor registers over 93,000 users of the Capture cloud service for storing and sharing photos and video, only four months after its official launch in Bulgaria. Its customers are expected to reach 100,000 by end-October. Until now, Bulgarian Capture users have uploaded about 30 million files or a total of 78 TB of content to the cloud. Analysis also reveals that more than 50% of the Telenor subscribers registered in Capture use the service via the company’s 4G network. Recently, the company also launched the My Contacts free mobile app on the Bulgarian market and it already has more
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