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Emergency and useful numbers

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Emergency and useful numbers

For you

In case of emergency, Telenor provides nonstop free access from your mobile phone to:

  • 112     International emergency number
  • 150     Medical emergency
  • 160     Fire emergency
  • 166     Police

 Besides Telenor gives you access to the following useful numbers:

  • 165       Traffic police
  • 146       UBA Road assistance
  • 1168     Interamerican road assistance

How does it work

You can dial directly the emergency number you need (Police, Medical emergency or Fire emergency) and you will be put through the operator on duty.

How much does it cost

Calls to emergency numbers are free of charge. Calls to useful numbers stated hereabove are charged according to the tariff for national calls of the respective program.

How do I get the service

Telenor provides emergency and useful numbers access automatically upon registration.
The service is available for all Telenor clients.
You do not need additional settings in order to use this service.