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How we process personal data when we carry out video surveillance

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Security and prevention of acts contrary to the legal order established in the Republic of Bulgaria are of exceptional importance both for us and for our users, employees and visitors. and for Yettel.

Therefore, we process personal data via the video surveillance system in our sites in order to prevent, deter, find and investigate unlawful acts of such nature as to:
threaten or harm the life and/or health of the visitors;
compromise the security of personal data of our users and/or employees (e.g. accidental or unlawful destruction and/or loss of data, wrongful access to data, wrongful modification or dissemination of data, etc.);
threaten or harm the property and/or other assets of Yettel (or, respectively, the property and/or other assets of third parties).

In certain cases the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria obliges Yettel to process the personal data collected when carrying out video surveillance for certain purposes.

For example, according to the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) upon request of court, prosecutor or investigation authority Yettel is obliged to provide video recordings and/or photographs in Yettel’s possession, which are important for the respective lawsuit.

In the event that we find unlawful acts we can process the data contained in video recordings or photographs in order to prepare and send a warning to the competent authorities (e.g. the bodies of the Ministry of Interior, the Prosecution Office or others) in view of initiating proceedings and carrying out an investigation.