In order to use the service Online recharge for prepaid cards you have to be registered in MyTelenor web portal and to have credit or debit card with the logo of Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro or BORICA.
When you are recharging online with credit or debit card, it is helpful to know:
Online operation are with high protection
Transactions between MyTelenor web portal and BORICA payment server, on whose webpage you are entering the card data to authorize, are secured the recharge are secured by encrypted connection (SSL).
We always inform you
For each successful transaction, you will receive SMS or e- mail with confirmation. The prepaid number, for which the recharge is made, will also receive SMS notification with the amount with which its credit is recharged.
Track the recharges
The details for each top up, which you have done via MyTelenor web portal, as well as the invoices issued, are always at your disposal in the section “Recharge history”. You have the option to request the issuance of a signed electronic invoice to a physical or legal entity for each recharge.