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How we collect personal data about users

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Как събираме лични данни

Yettel collects personal data in different ways. In most cases we receive information directly from users upon and on the occasion of the conclusion and performance of the contracts with them. Certain data are generated automatically when the users use the services of Yettel, and sometimes the data are provided to Yettel by third parties or are received from other sources such as public registers.

We collect personal data directly from the users:
In the pre-contractual relations with them (when a user would like to conclude a contract with Yettel or to register a prepaid card);
When concluding an individual contract for mobile and/or fixed services with Yettel;
When registering prepaid cards;
When concluding a lease or purchase contract with Yettel;
When concluding other contracts with Yettel;
During or on the occasion of the execution, amendment, supplementation or termination of a contract concluded between Yettel and the users (upon fulfillment of requests from users, upon implementation of customer service in case of a complaint, upon payment of an obligation, when recharging a prepaid card, etc. .)

Data, which are automatically generated and collected when the users use the services of Yettel, are traffic data and location data (e.g. when making a phone call, sending a short text message or a mobile internet session). Such are also the summarized data on consumption.

We collect personal data about users from third parties:
In connection with the provision of the "number portability" service by or in the Yettel network. In such cases, the data shall be provided by the "donor" or the "receiving" provider;
When receiving calls, short text messages or data that are generated by the networks of other providers and are terminated in the network of Yettel. In such cases, the data are provided by the providers with whom Yettel has an interconnection point;
When providing roaming services, traffic data are generated in the network of the respective roaming partners (i.e. the mobile operators whose networks served the roaming user), which are provided to Yettel for the purposes of charging the customer;
When providing the "Pay with Yettel" service. In such cases, the data is provided to Yettel by the respective digital store;
When providing digital or other products/services through our partners, including value-added services;
During or on the occasion of inspections carried out by competent state or municipal authorities. In such cases, the data shall be provided by the relevant authorities;
Upon receipt of a request for provision of data for a given user(s), submitted by a competent authority in accordance with the duly established procedure;
During and on the occasion of the process of collecting consumer debts. In such cases, the data may be obtained from public registers or publicly available sources, from/through the courts or from/through the enforcement authorities;
When performing a risk assessment, when a terminal device is provided when concluding a contract with a user, in which case Yettel may request other undertakings providing public electronic communication services to provide information on the existence of unpaid obligations of the user to them, in accordance with the Electronic Communications Act;
In the process of identification of a user, his/her representative or a designated contact person, during and on the occasion of concluding or executing a contract, Yettel may receive information, in the form of a reference, from the information funds for Bulgarian personal documents, except for fingerprints, and in the unified register for foreigners, in accordance with the Electronic Communications Act.

When providing the "Pay with Yettel" service, data are provided by Apple (for iTunes, App Store and Apple Music) or Google (for Google Play);
When concluding a contract and providing a terminal device, in the process of risk assessment Yettel may receive data from other companies (e.g. A1 and Vivacom) for unpaid debts of the user;
Upon concluding a contract, in order to identify the user and ensure the accuracy of his/her data, Yettel may receive a reference from the information funds of Bulgarian personal documents, containing full name, PIN, ID number, date and place of issue of identity document and issuing body, permanent address, as well as a photo.

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