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Telenor postpaid plans archive

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99,99 лв

Срок на договора: 24 месеца

Само с абонаментни планове от Tеленор имате свободата да водите дълги разговори и да сърфирате на воля. С тях получавате Резерв национални минути и Резерв мобилен интернет, с които не се притеснявате от високи сметки.

10000 минути към мобилни номера на Теленор
2000 национални минути извън Теленор
10000 MB мобилен интернет

100 минути за международни разговори и роуминг в ЕС

1000 Теленор SMS
2000 Резерв национални минути
10000 MB Резерв мобилен интернет

За плана

Минути към мобилни номера от мрежата на Теленор в България;
Минути към мобилни и фиксирани номера извън мрежата на Теленор в България;
Мобилен интернет на максимална скорост;
Минути за разговори към международна Зона 1, 2 и роуминг в ЕС;
SMS към мобилни номера от мрежата на Теленор в България.

Основните предимства на плана са:

Резерв национални минути – минути към всички национални мрежи, еднократно за целия срок на договора;
Резерв  мобилен интернет – мобилен интернет на максимална скорост, еднократно за целия срок на договора;

Как да се абонирате?

Вие сте нов или настоящ клиент на Теленор, физическо лице? За да се възползвате от атрактивното ни предложение по този абонаментен план може да сключите нов договор за срок от 1 или 2 години.

Добре е да знаете:

С абонаментен план Резерв 99,99 интернетът никога не свършва! Дори след като изчерпите  количество MB на максимална скорост, скоростта на връзката пада до 128 kbps.
Минималното първоначално /последващо тарифиране на данни е 5/1 КВ (килобайт)
Минималното първоначално време за таксуване на националните разговори е 60 секунди, след което отчитането става на минута.
Първоначално определеният кредитен лимит за този абонаментен план е 150 лв.
Можете да получите фактура в електронен формат, която да виждате по всяко време след еднократна регистрация в интернет портала MyTelenor на адрес http://my.telenor.bg Освен това можете да получавате и информация за използвани услуги и  дължими суми по имейл.

Вижте всички останали цени на услуги.


Изразходване и валидност на минутите

Стандартно включените минути на месец, които не са изразходвани през съответния отчетен период, не се прехвърлят в следващ.
Резерв минутите се предоставят еднократно за първоначалния срок на договора.
Резерв минутите мога да бъдат използвани след изчерпване на включените в абонаментния план минути, през който и да е месец от срока на договора.
Резерв минутите, които не са изразходвани до края на първоначалния срок на договора, се губят.
С абонаментен план Резерв можете да активирате само специално създадените за тях допълнителни месечни пакети, с които получавате още повече минути за разговори.
Допълнителните месечни пакети с включени минути се използват след изчерпване на предоставените Резерв минути.

Изразходване и валидност на MB

Стандартно включените MB на максимална скорост на месец, които не са изразходвани през съответния отчетен период, не се прехвърлят в следващ.
Резерв МВ се предоставят еднократно за първоначалния срок на договора.
Резерв МВ мога да бъдат използвани след изчерпване на включените в абонаментния план МВ, през който и да е месец от срока на договора.
Резерв МВ, които не са изразходвани до края на първоначалния срок на договора, се губят.
С абонаментен план Резерв можете да активирате само специално създадените за тях допълнителни месечни пакети, с които получавате още повече МВ за сърфиране.
Допълнителните месечни пакети с включени МВ се използват след изчерпване на предоставените Резерв МВ.

Тарифиране и отчитане на минути

За периода от активиране на абонаментния план до издаване на първа фактура ще получите пропорционален брой от включените на месец минути  за пропорционална част от месечния абонамент.
При пренасочване на обажданията, разговорът се таксува като стандартен разговор към номер от мрежата на съответния оператор.

Тарифиране и отчитане на MB

За периода от активиране на абонаментния план до издаване на първа фактура ще получите пропорционален брой от включените на месец MB  на максимална скорост за пропорционална част от месечния абонамент.
Интернет трафика се реализира само през точка за достъп (Access Point Name, APN) - telenorbg. 

Използване на SMS 

Стандартно включените SMS на месец, които не са изразходвани през съответния отчетен период, не се прехвърлят в следващ.
За периода от активиране на абонаментния план до издаване на първа фактура ще получите пропорционален брой от включените на месец SMS  за пропорционална част от месечния абонамент.
С абонаментен план Резерв можете да активирате само специално създадените за тях допълнителни месечни пакети, с които получавате допълнителни SMS.

Използване на минути за международни разговори и роуминг 

Можете да използвате посоченият брой минути на месец от абонаментни планове Резерв за разговори в роуминг в Европейски съюз, както следва:
входящи обаждания - от мобилни и фиксирани номера от всички мрежи;
изходящи обаждания - към мобилни и фиксирани номера от мрежи на оператори в държави-членки на Европейския съюз.

За целта е необходимо да активирате услугата роуминг според приложимите процедури на Теленор, за да ползвате минутите за разговори в роуминг към Европейски съюз.

Промени в договора или абонаментния план

Можете да промените абонаментен план след изтичане на първите 6 месеца от първоначалния срок на ползване на услугите с този план и нямате ограничение на броя на промените в рамките на срока на договора, но е възможно да бъдат извършвани само веднъж на отчетен период.
През първите 6 месеца от първоначалния срок на ползване на услугите с текущ план можете да промените абонаментен план само в случай, че закупувате устройство с отстъпка и сключвате нов срочен договор.
Можете да промените абонаментен план само към такъв със същата или по-висок месечен абонамент.
При промяна на абонаментен план неизразходваните Резерв минути/MB, в случай че такива са предвидени по предходно ползвания абонаментен план, се губят и се предоставят нови за срока на новия договор, ако новият абонаментен план включва такива. 

Посочените цени и условия за предаване на данни и пренос на глас се отнасят за територията на Република България. Ако се генерира трафик в роуминг, тарифирането и таксуването се извършват спрямо цени и условия за услуги в роуминг на Теленор

The terms are not valid for new customers.

59.99 BGN

Contract: 24 months

Only the postpaid plans from Telenor give you freedom to talk as much as you want and surf more. With these plans you get Rezerv national minutes and Rezerv mobile internet without worries about bill shock.


5000 minutes in Telenor mobile network
500 national minutes outside of the Telenor mobile network
5000 MB mobile internet

50 minutes for international calls and EU roaming

500 SMS to numbers from the Telenor mobile network
1000 Rezerv national minutes
5000 MB Rezerv mobile internet

About the plan

Postpaid plan Rezerv 59.99 gives you all you need to communicate freely:

Minutes to mobile network of Telenor in Bulgaria;

National minutes outside Telenor to mobile and fix numbers outside Telenor network in Bulgaria;

Mobile internet at maximum speed;

Minutes to international Zone 1, 2 and roaming in EU;

SMS to mobile numbers in Telenor network in Bulgaria.

Benefits of the postpaid plan:

Rezerv national minutes – minutes to all national network in Bulgaria, provided once throughout the contract duration;

Rezerv mobile internet – mobile internet at maximum speed, provided once throughout the contract duration.

How to subscribe?

Are you a new or existing residential customer of Telenor? In order to benefit from the advantages of this postpaid plan you should sign a new contract for a fixed term of 1 or 2 years.

Good to know:

With postpaid plan Rezerv the mobile internet never ends! Once your MB at maximum speed are over, you can still surf without additional charges. The connection speed is decreased to 128 kbps.

The minimum initial/ subsequent charge for data traffic is 5/1 KB (kilobyte).

The initial call charging time is 60 seconds. After that the charging is per minute.

The initial credit limit is 100 BGN.

You can view your invoice any time following a registration at MyTelenor internet portal at http://my.telenor.bg

You can also receive information about used services and payable amounts by email.

View the pricelist of all other services.


Minutes depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard minutes per month, which is not depleted during the billing period, cannot be transferred to the following one.

The amount of Rezerv minutes is provided once throughout the contract duration.

The Rezerv minutes can be used after the depletion of the minutes included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.

The amount of Rezerv minutes, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.

With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more minutes included.

The monthly add-ons with included minutes can be used after depletion of the provided Rezerv minutes.

MB depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard MB at maximum speed per month which is not depleted during the billing period cannot be transferred to the following one.

The amount of Rezerv MB is provided once throughout the contract duration.

The Rezerv MB can be used after the depletion of the MB included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.

The amount of Rezerv MB, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.

With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more MB included.

The monthly add-ons with included MB can be used after depletion of the provided Rezerv MB.

Charging and calculating of minutes

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of minutes for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.

When a call forward is activated, the call is charged as a standard call to a number from the network of the relevant operator.

Charging and calculating of MB

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of MB for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.

The internet traffic is realized only through access point name APN – telenorbg.

SMS validity and depletion

The amount of the included standard SMS per month, which is not depleted during the billing period, cannot be transferred to the following one.

For the period, starting from the activation of postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of SMS for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.

With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more SMSes included. 

Minutes for international calls and roaming

The minutes per month included in the postpaid plan Rezerv can be used for roaming calls in EU as it follows:

incoming voice calls − from mobile and fixed numbers of all networks;

outgoing voice calls − to mobile and fixed numbers of operators in the European Union member states.

In order to be able to enjoy the calls in roaming to the EU, you should activate the roaming service  according to the applicable procedures of Telenor.

Changes in the contract or the postpaid plan

You can change a postpaid plan after the first 6 months from its activation and there is no limit for the number of changes made during the contract term. However, these changes may be performed only once per billing period. 

During the first 6 months of the initial postpaid plan of the respective service you can change the current plan only in case you purchase a device with discount and sign a new fixed term contract.

You can change the postpaid plan only with a plan with the same or a higher monthly fee and by paying a one-off fee for changing a postpaid plan during the contract term.

When changing the postpaid plan, the unused Rezerv minutes/MB if such are provided in the previous postpaid plan, are lost and new Rezerv minutes/MB are provided for the duration of the new contract if the new postpaid plan includes such ones.

The prices and conditions for data and voice transmission refer to the territory of Republic of Bulgaria. If you generate traffic in roaming, charging and billing are according to>Telenor prices and conditions for roaming services. 


The terms are not valid for new customers.

34.99 BGN

Contract: 24 months

Only the postpaid plans from Telenor give you freedom to talk as much as you want and surf more. With these plans you get Rezerv national minutes and Rezerv mobile internet without worries about bill shock.


3000 minutes in Telenor mobile network
300 national minutes outside of the Telenor mobile network
3000 MB mobile internet

30 minutes for international calls and EU roaming

300 SMS to numbers from the Telenor mobile network
600 Rezerv national minutes
3000 MB Rezerv mobile internet

About the plan

Postpaid plan Rezerv 34.99 gives you all you need to communicate freely:

Minutes to mobile network of Telenor in Bulgaria;

National minutes outside Telenor to mobile and fix numbers outside Telenor network in Bulgaria;

Mobile internet at maximum speed;

Minutes to international Zone 1, 2 and roaming in EU;

SMS to mobile numbers in Telenor network in Bulgaria.

Benefits of the postpaid plan:

Rezerv national minutes – minutes to all national network in Bulgaria, provided once throughout the contract duration;

Rezerv mobile internet – mobile internet at maximum speed, provided once throughout the contract duration.

How to subscribe?

Are you a new or existing residential customer of Telenor? In order to benefit from the advantages of this postpaid plan you should sign a new contract for a fixed term of 1 or 2 years.

Good to know:

With postpaid plan Rezerv the mobile internet never ends! Once your MB at maximum speed are over, you can still surf without additional charges. The connection speed is decreased to 128 kbps.

The minimum initial/ subsequent charge for data traffic is 5/1 KB (kilobyte).

The initial call charging time is 60 seconds. After that the charging is per minute.

The initial credit limit is 50 BGN.

You can view your invoice any time following a registration at MyTelenor internet portal at http://my.telenor.bg

You can also receive information about used services and payable amounts by email.

View the pricelist of all other services.


Minutes depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard minutes per month, which is not depleted during the billing period, cannot be transferred to the following one.

The amount of Rezerv minutes is provided once throughout the contract duration.

The Rezerv minutes can be used after the depletion of the minutes included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.

The amount of Rezerv minutes, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.

With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more minutes included.

The monthly add-ons with included minutes can be used after depletion of the provided Rezerv minutes.


MB depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard MB at maximum speed per month which is not depleted during the billing period cannot be transferred to the following one.

The amount of Rezerv MB is provided once throughout the contract duration.

The Rezerv MB can be used after the depletion of the MB included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.

The amount of Rezerv MB, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.

With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more MB included.

The monthly add-ons with included MB can be used after depletion of the provided Rezerv MB.


Charging and calculating of minutes

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of minutes for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.

When a call forward is activated, the call is charged as a standard call to a number from the network of the relevant operator.


Charging and calculating of MB

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of MB for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.

The internet traffic is realized only through access point name APN – telenorbg.

SMS validity and depletion

The amount of the included standard SMS per month, which is not depleted during the billing period, cannot be transferred to the following one.

For the period, starting from the activation of postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of SMS for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.

With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more SMSes included. 

Minutes for international calls and roaming

The minutes per month included in the postpaid plan Rezerv can be used for roaming calls in EU as it follows:

incoming voice calls − from mobile and fixed numbers of all networks;

outgoing voice calls − to mobile and fixed numbers of operators in the European Union member states.

In order to be able to enjoy the calls in roaming to the EU, you should activate the roaming service according to the applicable procedures of Telenor.

Changes in the contract or the postpaid plan

You can change a postpaid plan after the first 6 months from its activation and there is no limit for the number of changes made during the contract term. However, these changes may be performed only once per billing period. 

During the first 6 months of the initial postpaid plan of the respective service you can change the current plan only in case you purchase a device with discount and sign a new fixed term contract.

You can change the postpaid plan only with a plan with the same or a higher monthly fee and by paying a one-off fee for changing a postpaid plan during the contract term.

When changing the postpaid plan, the unused Rezerv minutes/MB if such are provided in the previous postpaid plan, are lost and new Rezerv minutes/MB are provided for the duration of the new contract if the new postpaid plan includes such ones.

The prices and conditions for data and voice transmission refer to the territory of Republic of Bulgaria. If you generate traffic in roaming, charging and billing are according to Telenor prices and conditions for roaming services. 

The terms are not valid for new customers.

29.99 BGN

Contract: 24 months

Only the postpaid plans from Telenor give you freedom to talk as much as you want and surf more. With these plans you get Rezerv national minutes and Rezerv mobile internet without worries about bill shock.


2500 minutes in Telenor mobile network
250 national minutes outside of the Telenor mobile network
2000 MB mobile internet

25 minutes for international calls and EU roaming

250 SMS to numbers from the Telenor mobile network
500 Rezerv national minutes
2000 MB Rezerv mobile internet

About the plan

Postpaid plan Rezerv 24.99 gives you all you need to communicate freely:

Minutes to mobile network of Telenor in Bulgaria;

National minutes outside Telenor to mobile and fix numbers outside Telenor network in Bulgaria;

Mobile internet at maximum speed;

Minutes to international Zone 1, 2 and roaming in EU;

SMS to mobile numbers in Telenor network in Bulgaria.

Benefits of the postpaid plan:

Rezerv national minutes – minutes to all national network in Bulgaria, provided once throughout the contract duration;

Rezerv mobile internet – mobile internet at maximum speed, provided once throughout the contract duration.

How to subscribe?

Are you a new or existing residential customer of Telenor? In order to benefit from the advantages of this postpaid plan you should sign a new contract for a fixed term of 1 or 2 years.

Good to know:

With postpaid plan Rezerv the mobile internet never ends! Once your MB at maximum speed are over, you can still surf without additional charges. The connection speed is decreased to 128 kbps.

The minimum initial/ subsequent charge for data traffic is 5/1 KB (kilobyte).

The initial call charging time is 60 seconds. After that the charging is per minute.

The initial credit limit is 50 BGN.

You can view your invoice any time following a registration at MyTelenor internet portal at http://my.telenor.bg

You can also receive information about used services and payable amounts by email.

View the pricelist of all other services.


Minutes depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard minutes per month, which is not depleted during the billing period, cannot be transferred to the following one.
The amount of Rezerv minutes is provided once throughout the contract duration.
The Rezerv minutes can be used after the depletion of the minutes included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.
The amount of Rezerv minutes, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.
With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more minutes included.
The monthly add-ons with included minutes can be used after depletion of the provided Rezerv minutes.

MB depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard MB at maximum speed per month which is not depleted during the billing period cannot be transferred to the following one.
The amount of Rezerv MB is provided once throughout the contract duration.
The Rezerv MB can be used after the depletion of the MB included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.
The amount of Rezerv MB, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.
With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more MB included.
The monthly add-ons with included MB can be used after depletion of the provided Rezerv MB.

Charging and calculating of minutes

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of minutes for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.
When a call forward is activated, the call is charged as a standard call to a number from the network of the relevant operator.

Charging and calculating of MB

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of MB for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.
The internet traffic is realized only through access point name APN – telenorbg.

SMS validity and depletion

The amount of the included standard SMS per month, which is not depleted during the billing period, cannot be transferred to the following one.
For the period, starting from the activation of postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of SMS for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.
With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more SMSes included. 

Minutes for international calls and roaming

The minutes per month included in the postpaid plan Rezerv can be used for roaming calls in EU as it follows:
incoming voice calls − from mobile and fixed numbers of all networks;
outgoing voice calls − to mobile and fixed numbers of operators in the European Union member states.

In order to be able to enjoy the calls in roaming to the EU, you should activate the roaming service according to the applicable procedures of Telenor.

Changes in the contract or the postpaid plan

You can change a postpaid plan after the first 6 months from its activation and there is no limit for the number of changes made during the contract term. However, these changes may be performed only once per billing period. 
During the first 6 months of the initial postpaid plan of the respective service you can change the current plan only in case you purchase a device with discount and sign a new fixed term contract.
You can change the postpaid plan only with a plan with the same or a higher monthly fee and by paying a one-off fee for changing a postpaid plan during the contract term.
When changing the postpaid plan, the unused Rezerv minutes/MB if such are provided in the previous postpaid plan, are lost and new Rezerv minutes/MB are provided for the duration of the new contract if the new postpaid plan includes such ones.

The prices and conditions for data and voice transmission refer to the territory of Republic of Bulgaria. If you generate traffic in roaming, charging and billing are according to Telenor prices and conditions for roaming services.

The terms are not valid for new customers.

39,99 BGN

Contract: 24 months

This subscription gives you the possibility to make long calls and to surf freely. You also get Rezerv national minutes and Rezerv mobile internet (MB), with which you won't have to worry about high bills.


800 national minutes
4000 MB mobile internet
400 Rezerv national minutes
4000 MB Rezerv mobile internet

About the plan

Postpaid Plan Rezerv Standard gives all you need to communicate freely. You get minutes to all national networks and mobile internet at maximum speed.

Benefits of the postpaid plan:

Included minutes to all national mobile and fixed networks in Bulgaria and mobile internet, every month;
Rezerv national minutes – minutes to all national networks, provided once throughout the contract duration;
Rezerv mobile internet – mobile internet at maximum speed, provided once throughout the contract duration.

How to subscribe?

Are you a new or existing residential customer of Telenor? In order to benefit from the advantages of this postpaid plan you should sign a new contract for a fixed term of 1 or 2 years.

Good to know:

With postpaid plan Rezerv Standard the mobile internet never ends! Once your MB at maximum speed are over, you can still surf without additional charges. The connection speed is decreased to 128 kbps.
The minimum initial/ subsequent charge for data traffic is 5/1 KB (kilobyte).
The initial call charging time is 60 seconds. After that the charging is per minute.
The initial credit limit is 50 BGN.
You can view your invoice any time following a registration at MyTelenor internet portal at http://yettel.bg/yettelapp. You can also receive information about used services and payable amounts by email.

View the pricelist of all other services.


 Minutes depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard minutes per month, which is not depleted during the billing period, cannot be transferred to the following one.
The amount of Rezerv minutes is provided once throughout the contract duration.
The Rezerv minutes can be used after the depletion of the minutes included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.
The amount of Rezerv minutes, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.
With postpaid plan Rezerv Standard you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more minutes included.
The monthly add-ons with included minutes can be used after depletion of the provided (included in the postpaid plan and additionally purchased) Rezerv minutes.

MB depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard MB at maximum speed per month which is not depleted during the billing period cannot be transferred to the following one.
The amount of Rezerv MB is provided once throughout the contract duration.
The Rezerv MB can be used after the depletion of the MB included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.
The amount of Rezerv MB, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.
With postpaid plan Rezerv you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more MB included.

Charging and calculating of minutes

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of minutes for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.
When a call forward is activated, the call is charged as a standard call to a number from the network of the relevant operator.
The initial call charging time of national calls is 60 seconds. After that the charging is per minute.

Charging and calculating of MB

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of MB for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.
The internet traffic is realized only through access point name APN – telenorbg.
The minimum initial/ subsequent charge for data traffic is 5/1 KB (kilobyte).

Changes in the contract or the postpaid plan

You can change a postpaid plan after the first 6 months from its activation and there is no limit for the number of changes made during the contract term. However, these changes may be performed only once per billing period.
During the first 6 months of the initial postpaid plan of the respective service you can change the current plan only in case you purchase under the applicable conditions and sign a new fixed term contract a device with discount under the applicable conditions and sign a new fixed term contract.

Minutes depletion and validity

The amount of the included standard minutes per month, which is not depleted during the billing period, cannot be transferred to the following one.
The amount of Rezerv minutes is provided once throughout the contract duration.
The Rezerv minutes can be used after the depletion of the minutes included in the postpaid plan, during any month of the contract duration.
The amount of Rezerv minutes, which is not depleted by the end of the initial contract term, is lost.
With postpaid plan Rezerv Standard you can activate only specially designed monthly add-ons with more minutes included.
The monthly add-ons with included minutes can be used after depletion of the provided (included in the postpaid plan and additionally purchased) Rezerv minutes.

Charging and calculating of minutes

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a proportional number of minutes for a proportional part of the monthly subscription.
When a call forward is activated, the call is charged as a standard call to a number from the network of the relevant operator.
The initial call charging time of national calls is 60 seconds. After that the charging is per minute.

SMS usage

For the period, starting from the activation of the postpaid plan to the issuing of the first invoice, you will receive a full number of the monthly included SMS-s for a proportional part of the monthly subscription

Combo+ Package Services

Subscriptions using this plan cannot be used in creation of new Combo+ package service, or added in existing Combo+ service.

Changes in the contract or the postpaid plan

You can change a postpaid plan after the first 6 months from its activation and there is no limit for the number of changes made during the contract term. However, these changes may be performed only once per billing period.
During the first 6 months of the initial postpaid plan of the respective service you can change the current plan only in case you purchase a device with discount under the applicable conditions and sign a new fixed term contract.
You can change the postpaid plan only with a plan with the same or a higher monthly fee and by paying a one-off fee for changing a postpaid plan during the contract term.

When changing the postpaid plan, the unused Rezerv minutes if such are provided in the previous postpaid plan, are lost and new Rezerv minutes are provided for the duration of the new contract if the new postpaid plan includes such ones.
The prices and conditions for data and voice transmission refer to the territory of Republic of Bulgaria. If you generate traffic in roaming, charging and billing are according to Telenor prices and conditions for roaming services.

When changing the postpaid plan, the unused Rezerv minutes/MB if such are provided in the previous postpaid plan, are lost and new Rezerv minutes/MB are provided for the duration of the new contract if the new postpaid plan includes such ones.
The prices and conditions for data and voice transmission refer to the territory of Republic of Bulgaria. If you generate traffic in roaming, charging and billing are according to Telenor prices and conditions for roaming services..

Web&Talk абонаментен план - архив
Включени минути към мобилни и фиксирани номера от всички национални мрежи, към номера от Зона 1 и Зона 2 за международни разговори и роуминг в Европейски съюз / на месец1000 мин.
Минути от гореспоменатите, които могат да бъдат използвани и за международни разговори до Зона 2 и роуминг в Европейския съюз, на месец100 мин.
Включени MB на максимално достижима скорост /на месец2000 МВ
Промоционален месечен абонамент20,00 лв.
Стандартен месечен абонамент49,99 лв.

Промоционалният месечен абонамент се предоставя за нови и настоящи абонати, при сключване на нов договор за мобилни услуги за нова SIM карта или при продължаване на текущия договор с подписване на допълнително споразумение, във всички случаи за нов първоначален срок от 24 месеца по посочения абонаментен план.

Промоционалният месечен абонамент се предоставя за първоначалния срок на договора. След изтичането му се прилага стандартния месечен абонамент в размер на 49.99 лв. Промоцията е валидна при сключване на нов договор, съответно допълнително споразумение съобразно приложимите условия, до 26.02.2015.

Може да намерите повече информация в раздел „Условия“, Промени в договора или абонаментния план.

Абонаментният план важи за нови и настоящи клиенти при сключване на нов договор за мобилни услуги за нова SIM карта или при продължаване на текущия договор с подписване на допълнително споразумение, съобразно приложимите условия, до 26.02.2015, за срок от 12 или 24 месеца.

Посоченият брой минути, които могат да се ползват за разговори в роуминг в Европейски съюз, за абонаментен план Web&Talk, са валидни за:

входящи обаждания - от мобилни и фиксирани номера от всички мрежи; 

изходящи обаждания - към мобилни и фиксирани номера от мрежи на оператори в държави-членки на Европейския съюз.

За да може да се ползват минутите за разговори в роуминг към Европейски съюз, е необходимо клиентът да има активна услугата роуминг при приложимите за това процедури на Теленор.

Първоначално определеният кредитен лимит за този абонаментен план е 50 лв.

Цена на минута към мобилни и фиксирани номера от всички национални мрежи след изчерпване на включените минути: 0,26 лв. на минута.

Неупоменатите по-горе услуги се таксуват според aктуалния ценоразпис на оператора, към датата на предлагане.

Изразходване и валидност на минутите

Стандартно включените минути на месец, които не са изразходвани през съответния отчетен период, не се прехвърлят в следващ.

За периода от активиране на абонаментния план до издаване на първа фактура ще получите пропорционален брой от включените на месец минути  за пропорционална част от месечния абонамент.

При пренасочване на обажданията, разговорът се таксува като стандартен разговор към номер от мрежата на съответния оператор.

Минималното първоначално време за таксуване на националните разговори е 60 секунди, след което отчитането става на минута.

Изразходване и валидност на MB

Стандартно включените MB на максимална скорост на месец, които не са изразходвани през съответния отчетен период, не се прехвърлят в следващ.

След изчерпване на количеството MB на максимално достижима скорост, скоростта на връзката пада до 64 kbps.

За периода от активиране на абонаментния план до издаване на първа фактура ще получите пропорционален брой от включените на месец MB  на максимална скорост за пропорционална част от месечния абонамент.

Интернет трафика се реализира само през точка за достъп (Access Point Name, APN) - telenorbg.

Посочените цени и условия за предаване на данни и пренос на глас се отнасят за територията на Република България. Ако се генерира трафик в роуминг, тарифирането и таксуването се извършват спрямо цени и условия за услуги в роуминг на Теленор.

Пакетни услуги Combo+

Номерата, ползващи условия по този абонаментен план, не могат да бъдат използвани за създаване на нова или да бъдат включвани в съществуваща пакетна услуга Combo+.

 Промени в договора или абонаментния план

Можете да промените абонаментен план след изтичане на първите 6 месеца от първоначалния срок на ползване на услугите с този план и нямате ограничение на броя на промените в рамките на срока на договора, но е възможно да бъдат извършвани само веднъж на отчетен период.

През първите 6 месеца от първоначалния срок на ползване на услугите с текущ план можете да промените абонаментен план само, в случай че закупувате устройство с отстъпка и сключвате нов срочен договор.

Можете да промените абонаментен план само към такъв със същия или по-висок месечен абонамент.